3D reconstruction of garments from single in-the-wild photos
Learning to model secondary motion, e.g., clothes for a danching human, via equivariant transformations
3D reconstruction with deformable animations from casual video collections
Generating 3D avatars from VR headset cameras
3DMM as a geometry prior for implicit function representations of facial shape and texture
Automated tongue animations that match recorded speech
Monocular reconstruction in PIFu style with disentangled colors
Controllable 3D morphable face model with a coarse-to-fine structure
3D morphable face model based on neural implicit fields
Virtual try-on (garment transfer) in varied poses from a new dataset of dancing videos
GAN for generating photorealistic humans with controllable clothing
New approach to training on a mixture of synthetic and real data for crowd counting
New synthetic dataset used to train a state of the art model for eyeglass removal
StyleGAN2-ADA: adaptive discriminator augmentation that helps use StyleGAN2 with small datasets
The original StyleGAN from NVIDIA allowing to mix and match facial features at multiple levels
The original progressively growing GAN from NVIDIA
StyleGAN3: making StyleGAN translation and rotation invariant
StyleGAN2: fixing several shortcomings of StyleGAN and taking it one step further
Head pose estimation model trained on synthetic data with syn-to-real domain adaptation
Object tracking with strong domain generalization capabilities
Showing all 20 results